PDDC in Fairfax County, Virginia

Providence District Democratic Committee (PDDC)–one of the nine Magisterial District committees making up the Fairfax County Democratic Committee (FCDC)–is committed to promoting Democratic principles in the Providence District.

PDDC Steering Committee

      • Co-chairs: Matthew Savage and Abby Sugrue
      • Secretary: Rhonda Bitterli
      • Treasurer: Ray Marin
      • Vice Chair for Finance: Eric Rubin
      • Vice Chair for Statewide Affairs: Brandon Thurner
      • Co-Vice Chairs for Precinct Operations: Celeste Land and Robin Tingley
      • Vice Chair for Membership: Alice Lieberman
      • Vice Chair for Outreach: Tina Barchik
      • Vice Chair for Social Media: Daniel Sude, Ph.D.
      • Vice Chair for Event Planning: Aurora King
      • Vice Chair for Technology: Connor Quin

These officers were elected at the biannual district reorganization meeting on December 5, 202